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Legal notice and privacy policy


This site is the property of SARL CHIC Immobilier, Limited Liability Company with a capital of 20,000 €, registered in the Monaco Trade and Industry Directory, under number 20S08664 whose head office is located: “Le Patio Palace” – 41, Avenue Hector Otto – MC 98000 MONACO.

Publication director

Massimo MASSAGLIA, Director of CHIC Immobilier.

Technical service providers

This site and its extranet were created by the company EURL KJDN, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of NICE under number B751446634, whose head office is located: 1295 Avenue de Prades – 06500 MENTON (France).

Site hosting

This site is hosted on OVH servers whose head office is located: 140, Quai du Sartel – 59100 ROUBAIX (France).

Site content

S.A.R.L CHIC Immobilier strives to ensure, to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, and reserves the right to correct it without notice.

In addition, all the documents presented on this site are not contractual. All details, plans, dimensions, areas, distances, etc … are given for guidance only and their accuracy is not guaranteed. The photographs show some selected views of the properties. The details are not exhaustive and are valid in accordance with the “sales mandates” signed with S.A.R.L CHIC Immobilier. CHIC Immobilier editors assume no responsibility for views or statements made in articles and other contributions reproduced from any other source.

Consequently, S.A.R.L CHIC Immobilier declines all responsibility:

For any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information available on the site.
And more generally, for all damage, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, related to access and use of the site.

Personal data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (Law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978), we inform you that the collection of information, the entry of which is mandatory, is necessary to process your request. You will have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise it:

By writing to S.A.R.L CHIC IMMOBILIER – “Le Patio Palace” – 41, Avenue Hector Otto – MC 98000 MONACO
By sending an e-mail to:
The information collected is intended exclusively for the use of S.A.R.L CHIC IMMOBILIER. They allow us to offer you personalized services and to inform you about our products and services.

Intellectual property rights

The images, logos and content of this site as well as its database are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. Any extraction, exploitation or use of these must be carried out in accordance with the legislation in force.

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What is a cookie ?

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Why CHIC IMMOBILIER use cookies?

CHIC IMMOBILIER use cookies for:

Manage your preferences when browsing the site
Improve our services and allow audience measurement
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